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Our Story 

The umbrella body, Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta), was set up by Comunn na Gàidhlig in 1994 as a direct response to parental request. All areas with local CnP groups are able to be represented on the national committee, thus ensuring that all parents can have a voice at national level. There are currently six members of staff employed by Comunn na Gàidhlig including a parental officer, development officer, family language officer and three in an early year's team. CnP(N) is now a well-established group and as well as encouraging local CnP groups to promote GME and providing resources for this, we manage a ‘Parental Advisory Scheme’ which employs parents who have experience of GME to carry out promotional activities with parents of pre-school children. The CnP Parental Officer works closely with the Bòrd na Gàidhlig education team.

How do I get involved in CnP?

Many areas with Gaelic medium education provision have a local Comann nam Pàrant Committee. CnP groups are open to all parents with children in GME, at any level from pre-school to secondary, and parents are encouraged to attend CnP general meetings.

If there is no CnP group in your area and you wish to establish a group, the procedure is quite straightforward. The Development Officer will met with you, talk you through the CnP Constitution, explain what a CnP group can do in a community and answer any questions you may have on the matter. Contact us if you wish to establish a new group.

Benefits in having a local group

Local CnP groups are considered very important for a number of reasons;

  • They bring parents whose children are being educated through the medium of Gaelic together to discuss issues which affect the education of their children at all levels

  • A CnP group can act as a good support mechanism for the school providing Gaelic medium education, working in conjunction with Parent Councils

  • Office bearers of a CnP committee can speak on behalf of all parents with authority. Councils, schools, etc. appreciate dealing with parental representatives rather than many individuals

  • Being constituted community groups, they can attract funding that a school cannot

  • Parents with children in Gaelic medium education can promote GME within their own localities

  • They endeavour to support extra curricular Gaelic medium activities, including the work of the Gaelic youth clubs, Sradagan

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5 Caolshràid Mhìcheil | Inbhir Nis | IV2 3HQ | Fòn: 01463 234138 | Post-d:

5 Mitchell Lane | Inverness | IV2 3HQ | Tel: 01463 234138 | Email:

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