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Secondary School / Àrd-Sgoil


Like English Medium, Gaelic Medium Education is a 3-18 model. Once your child reaches the end of their primary education although they will have gained a good level of fluency for their age it is vital that they continue their Gaelic education continues at Secondary level to develop their Gaelic further. Although the level of secondary provision varies between schools and local authorities in most situations pupils can continue their Gaelic language learning with Gaelic as a subject up to Advanced Higher Level. A number of  subjects can be taught in Gaelic to National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher level - Geography, History, Modern Studies, Mathematics and Application of Mathematics. As GME expands more courses will become available, for more information please visit the SQA website.  


Pupils should be encouraged to take part in extra-curricular opportunities that are available through the medium of Gaelic. A local Comann nam Pàrant group can support the delivery of these. Fèisean nan Gàidheal, Spòrs Gàidhlig and Comunn na Gàidhlig can deliver activities, for further information click here. This will develop the social side of the language showing young people that there is a place for the language outside the classroom.. If your child is reaching the end of primary, please read the information leaflet below. If anyone would like any further information about the secondary phase, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

A support guide for parents with Secondary aged children. Further information as to what provision they should be receiving at Secondary level.

A short video with information about Gaelic Medium Education in Secondary School hearing from parents, teachers and pupils.

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