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Main Gaelic Organisations 

There are many different organisations doing a lot of work to support Gaelic in Scotland. While pupils go through Gaelic Medium Education, you will come across many of them. Below are some of the main Gaelic groups and a bit of information on what each group does. Click on the logo to look on their website for further information.

Bòrd na Gàidhlig


Bòrd na Gàidhlig is main body with responsibilty for promoting Gaelic development, including providing advice to Scottish Ministers on Gaelic issues. The Comann nam Pàrant team working closely with the Education Team at Bòrd na Gàidhlig. On their website you will get further information about Gaelic Education, Language Plans and potential funding streams.

Spòrs Gàidhlig


Spòrs Gàidhlig is an outdoor education provider who create opportunities in the outdoors which are through the medium of Gaelic and for young people.  They offer a wide range of activities including Skiing, Paddle Boarding, George Scrambling, Mountain Biking and Mapland Alba including many more.

Spòrs Gàidhlig can either travel to your school or community or you can come to us at Glenmore Lodge where they can offer a unique residential experience in Gaelic.

Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig


Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig are the organisation charged with co-ordinating the production and distribution of Gaelic educational resources throughout Scotland. As well as creating resources for nurseries, primary and secondary schools, Stòrlann have a selection of additional websites such as Gaelic4Parents, GaelicnanÒg, Ceumanan and Lasadh.

Comunn na Gàidhlig


Comunn na Gàidhlig have youth development officer established across the country who create a programme of events through the medium of Gaelic that are appropriate for the communities they are working in. They deliver various youth events throughout the year including certificated programmes such as the John Muir Award. Also the running of the Gaelic Youth Group, Sradagan, and football competitions. By pupils taking part in these events outside of school, it is hoped that they will have the confidence and encouragement to use their Gaelic more often and see it as a living language that pertains to every part of life rather than one that is only spoken in the classroom.

Fèisean nan Gàidheal


Fèisean nan Gàidheal is one of Creative Scotland’s regularly funded organisations and supports 47 tuition-based Fèisean that offer tuition in traditional Gaelic arts to young people across Scotland.  For over 35 years, the Fèisean have been tutoring young people in traditional music, Gaelic song and Gaelic drama. There are around 6,000 young people annually taking part in such tuition across Scotland.

An Comunn Gàidhleach


An Comunn Gàidhleach are the main organisers for the Royal National Mòd as well as supporting the Mòd at local level. An Comunn Gaidhealach furthers the aims of supporting and developing all aspects of the Gaelic language, culture, history and heritage at local, national and international levels.

BBC Alba


BBC Alba is the only channel with Gaelic content. Online the programmes are available to watch back including children’s programmes in Gaelic and the Gaelic learning resource, Speak Gaelic.

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